Barb Upton, Director of Music Ministries
The Music Ministry supports the sung prayer of the assembly, and often provides enhancement through choral pieces. We boast adult ministers, a Youth Choir, and a Saturday evening ensemble. This ministry include six cantors who serve the assembly and proclaim the psalms in song.
If you sing or play an instrument, please come to a rehearsal (times and days are listed in the parish bulletin) or contact Music Director, Barb Upton. We always welcome singers (SATB) and instrumentalists (woodwind, brass, percussion) to the adult ministry.
Singers do not have to audition nor be able to read music. The only prerequisites are a love of music, the desire to serve our community, and the ability to regularly attend rehearsals and Masses.

The Youth Choir, comprised of second through eighth graders, sings at the 9:30 am Family Masses. They generally rehearse two Sundays per month, immediately after the 9:30 am Mass. They provide the music for the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Mass and join the adult group for the Easter Vigil. Extra rehearsals take place before Christmas and before Easter.
The Adult Music Ministry currently rehearses at 8:00 pm on Monday nights, September to June. Rehearsals normally last 1 to 1 ½ hours.
All the adult groups come together for the parish celebrations of Confirmation, the Paschal Triduum and other important parish celebrations.