St. Stephen Church is delighted to offer online giving! You can easily make your contributions to St. Stephen Offertory collections as well as to Diocesan collections, Gifts, Bequests, etc. Use your bank account or a credit card. It’s EASY!!!!
If you wish to make a gift in memory/honor of someone, or for a special intention, please select the “Gifts Not Restricted” tile. You will be able to add a note to your contribution.
Please go to our hub at https://www.osvhub.com/ststephentc/funds or scan the QR code below to create your account and make your donation! THANK YOU!!!!
1.. Select “Create Account” in upper right.
2. Enter your email address and a password..
3. Click “Create New Account.”
4. Compete the information on the “Create an account
page” and click “Create Account.”
5. You can now sign out or continue by clicking “Add a
If you encounter any problems with your account, please call OSV Customer Support at 800-348-2886 Option 2, and then press 1.